Personal information collected
The company collects the following personal information when you use the service of Love for the first time for subscribing to a membership (or subscribing for service), customer service and to provide services.
- Essential: Email address, name (or nickname), date of birth, cell phone number, sex, cell phone information
- Selective: Profile picture
You can enter account information to connect to external services selected by you including Facebook accounts for service.
Lastly, the following information can be automatically generated and collected while using service or while conducting businesses.
- IP Address, date of access, service log, cookie, access log
Methods of collecting personal information
The company collects personal information in the following methods.
- Collection while executing or using Love Program
- Provided by partners
- Collection through tools for collecting generated information (including cookie)
- Collection through voluntary disclosure by user while using the service
The company uses collected personal information for the following purposes.
- Identification within Love service subscribed by you and connecting accounts set by you including emails, Facebook and for inviting others
- Providing member service only, identifying members, preventing disruptive members (members whose access is restricted according to the Article 18 of Terms of Use) from accessing the service and preventing unauthorized accesses, confirm intention to subscribe, record keeping for settle disputes, customer complaints including handling complaints, announcing notices
- Develop new service and provide customized service, provide service according to statistical features and advertisements, checking validity of service, provide opportunities to participate in promotions or provide advertisements, examining access frequency, statistics on service usage by members
- Name, profile photo will be disclosed to users connected to Love to identify each other while using Love Service. Date of birth, email address and cell phone number can be disclosed.
- ‘Name, profile photo’ will be disclosed to identify a host depending on setting when a user invites others. If contact number is used for invitation then email or cell phone number will be disclosed to the other party because the invitation is sent by SMS, Kakao Talk, Line, Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook or email.
-If you connect your Facebook account then it will ask you whether you want to connect to Facebook or not. In this case, disclosure will be limited to Love that you have subscribed.
- When you agree in advance
- When you agree in advance to use service by third parties in partnership The company notifies of those receiving personal information, purposes of receiving personal information, personal information provided, period of keeping and using personal information, right to refuse to give consent and disadvantages for not giving consents to users through email or in writing when personal information is provided to third parties. Personal information provided to partners will be limited to essential information including name, profile photo and information on memorable days needed to provide service. We inform details of personal information provided for each service at the time of giving consent. The details of personal information provide can be added/changed while providing service, and if personal information needed to use service provided by partners is changed then we receive additional consent when using service.
- When authorities request for information according to the provisions by statues or according to procedures and methods stipulated in law for the purpose of investigation
- Records on withdrawal from a contract or an agreement: 5 years
- Records on payments and supply of goods: 5 years
- Records on customer complaints and dispute resolutions: 3 years
- Records on accesses: 3 months
- Records on electronic transactions: 5 years
- Records on identification: 6 months
- ID, password, name in English, security questions on password, answers on security questions, name, resident registration number, address, cell phone number, email address, I-Pin, personal identification information, sex, school, work, self-introduction, nickname, banking information, credit card, date and time of accesses, access locations, records on illegal access, PC specifications, service records, legal representatives: 30 days
- Records of illegal access: 1 year
Information entered for subscription by users are kept for a certain period (refer to period for keeping and using) then destroyed once goals are achieved by transferring into a separate DB (separate filing cabinets for paper) according to the Privacy Protection based on internal regulations and relevant laws.
The said personal information will not be used for purposes other than for keeping unless otherwise required by laws.
Personal information printed on papers will be shredded or incinerated.
Personal information kept in electronic files will be deleted by technical methods that cannot be restored.
The Company uses ‘cookie’ to store and frequently retrieve user information to provide personalized and customized service.
Cookie is a very small text file sent to a browser used by a user through a server used to operate a website and saved at hard disk of the user’s computer. The website server reads the contents of cookie stored in the hard disk whenever the user visits the website used to maintain user environments and to provide customized service.
Cookie does not automatically/actively collect information for identifying individuals, and you can refuse to save or delete these cookies at any time.
It helps you to conveniently access and use the website using information contained in cookies when you visit Love PCs or a Mobile website. It is also used to provide customized information such as optimized advertisements through records of website visits by users, types of usage.
You have a choice to install cookies. You can allow all cookies or check whenever a cookie is stored, or refuse storing of all cookies by setting options from a web browser. Example) For Internet Explorer: Tool menu from the web browser > Internet Option > Personal Information
However, if you refuse to store cookies then you may experience difficulties in using some part of service including areas requiring logins.
The company stores and manages personal information safely through encryption according to relevant laws and internal policies.
The company is trying its best to prevent leaking or damaging personal information from hacking or computer viruses.
The company backs up personal information every 6 month in case of damages, prevents personal information from leaking or damaging through up-to-date security patches and firewalls, and safely transmits personal information in networks through encrypted communication.
The company controls unauthorized external accesses through a firewall system, and tries its best to install all possible technical devices to systematically secure security.
The company only authorizes a responsible employee to treat personal information and assigned with a separate password which is updated regularly, and emphasizes compliance of Love Privacy Policy through regular training.
The company installed an in-house personal information protection organization to check for compliance of the Privacy Policy and compliance by the employee responsible and rectifies any problems immediately when problems are discovered.
However, the company is not responsible for any problems caused by leakage of personal information including ID, password by user negligence or problems with the internet.